Saturday, December 04, 2010

Ask a good question...!

So Fr. Marc asked me where this pic up above came from. And, like any teacher knows, if one student has a question, the rest of them probably do too but don't want to ask. Are you ready for the exciting answer?!? Here goes!

Last summer I went to Nova Scotia for a couple ordinations. We drove through Montreal and of course stopped at St. Joseph Oratory, where Brother Andre Bessette ministred. As many of you know, Brother Andre was canonized and is now Saint Andre! This picture was taken in his small chapel of St. Joseph just outside the giant church on Mont Royal.

And now you now...the rest of the story :)


Steve said...

Do you have pics of the Dome at koln Germany? I's awesome...and massive

Friartuc said...

Never been to Europe! Next year though. What is the Dome? A Church?

God bless!

Steve said...

Yes a Dome is a Roman Catholic fact that particular Church is the biggest church in all of Germany. And it is beautiful, and man the organ....what a beautiful sound (seeing that we walked in at the end of noon mass)