Friday, April 15, 2011

Lenten evaluations

I am supposed to be working but I'm not. As you can tell from the post below. So I will continue to procrastinate.

I would love to hear some Lenten testimonies. What did you give up for Lent? Did it work? How was God involved in your Lent?

Here is my experience in short.

My goal was to spend my evenings a bit better. My day is always good. It usually begins with prayer, I eat mostly well, work hard, enjoy life. My evenings however were beginning to fall apart. I usually get back home at about 9:30pm and I'm tired. Instead of ending the evening with relaxation and quiet, I have been ending it by wasting alot of time. Useless things such as video games get in the way of me ending my day peacefully with God. Now there is nothing wrong with video games, but they are getting in the way of my peace. So Lent. I didn't give up, but reduced the amount of gaming I did. Looking back, I noticed that the weeks where I gamed only 3-4 nights, I found that my reading, praying, and rest increased. Again, I did not give up games but worked on moderating it. Recently, God has been giving me the experience that, when I fail and play on an off night, it has been horrible, frustrating experiences of loss.

Thank you God for shining through my weakness!

Has he shone through yours?

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