Monday, February 11, 2013

Resignation of Papa Bene

Many of you have no doubt heard the news that, effective 12pm (Saskatime), February 28th, 2013, Pope Benedict XVI is resigning as Pope. I just wanted to take a few moments to clarify a few points for you.

First, as Catholics our first responsibility is to love the Church and the Pope. I have seen already confusion, misinformation and even anger towards the Pope and our church. Mostly, haterz gonna hate. I urge you if people challenge you or ask you about this please do not judge the person or call them names, haha. But rather respond with love, assuring them that there are good reasons the Pope has decided this.

Things to know to help your own understanding and to properly inform others.

1) No this is not typical. It has happened only 3 times before. Each time it has happened it was for the good of the Church and informed by prayer. In this case, Pope Benedict, I believe, has recognized that a modern Pope requires much more health and energy than he is capable of giving. Today's Pope (sounds like GQ mag, sorry) needs to be travelling all over the world to be with his people, where even 20 years ago this was not the case. WYD Rio this summer is a perfect example. The Pope needs to be there, and Benedict clearly could not make the trip.

Here is a short vid about the previous Pope's who resigned.

2) Pope Benedict did not resign because of scandal or anything bad or evil. He has endured, and been aquitted of a few scandals which did not cause him to resign. Why would he do so now?

3) Become informed. Please don't trust what a secular news agency; (your morning news, or however you normally hear about world and church events) read what the Pope ACTUALLY said.

4) Pray. Matthew 16:18 assures us that the church is built on Christ and that, though persecuted, nothing can prevail against it. Pope Benedict needs your prayers right now as well as he who will be named successor. But trust that the Holy Spirit is always at work, both in the church universal and the church local.

I welcome comments, questions, and feedback.

God bless!


1 comment:

Andy said...

Thanks for pointing to the Pope's statement. One of my first thoughts when I heard the news was "so, what did he really say?" In this case, not much! But it's always nice to go to the source.